Uhuru Kenyatta is likely to win another five years term.

If history is anything to go by, Jubilee stands a good chance of winning. Let us analyze the polls since 1992 to date. In the year 1992, there were two main contenders; Daniel Arap Moi and Kenneth Matiba; Moi won.
In the 1997 contest, Moi flexed his political muscles against Kibaki, again Moi trounced the latter. In 2002, Kibaki squared it out with Moi's preferred candidate, Uhuru Kenyatta, and defeated him. In 2007, Kibaki faced off with Raila Odinga and won, though controversially. In 2013, Uhuru vied against Raila and won.

 Raila has fallen out with all the former presidents: Moi, Kibaki and now Uhuru. Currently, his coalition seems to be more discordant than his competitors'. While constituent parties that form NASA: Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), Ford-K, WIPER, Amani National Congress (ANC) and Chama Cha Mashinani are operating on a corporate membership arrangement, Jubilee affiliated parties dissolved and are a united alliance.

It is undisputed that casted poll is getting to be one of the toughest in Kenya's political history. Like previous elections, it is going to be a two-horse race with several donkeys stabilizing the contest. The two horses will be Jubilee and National Super Alliance (NASA) while the donkeys will be several minority parties and Independent candidates.

In Kenyan elections, history repeats itself. It is likely that the incumbent will retain the seat for another term for the next five years.
