#ThrowbackThursday at Uhuru Kenyatta

Thursday is the day many people try to take a mirrored peek into one’s distant past. In doing so, they look back on events or situations about others that they were in as regards to the present.
Throwback pictures always bring a giddy feeling, especially when reminiscing about the old times.President Uhuru Kenyatta just like any other Kenyan went through the normal phases from a child to a young man and now the president.
In his early 20’s, Uhuru whirled out of the limelight and in the few pictures before his 2002 KANU revival, he visibly experimented with various looks and is more laid back. 

While growing up Kenyatta was a typical “palace rebel” who was uncomfortable staying indoors, embracing decorum and the courtesies that come with power.
He was the type who, at the slightest opportunity, would be out there at a shopping center mingling and chatting up with villagers. It never bothered him that he was a son of the President.
Separately, except for his occasional verbal charges at political rivals and public display of rage, Mr. Kenyatta is said to be a down-to- earth individual who, in the common Kenyan parlance, passes for MTU wa watu (a man of the people).
 Many Kenyans describe him simply as “a friendly and easy going man."

He is an authentic family man, very romantic and gentle to his lovely wife Kenyatta. He is not shy to show the world how much he loves and adores her. Uhuru again showed how to treat and show love to a woman by tightly embracing her publicly at the finishing line during the Beyond zero half-marathon campaign.
