Defence CS Omamo and Internal CS Matiang'i against NASA allegations.

Raila and Kalonzo on Friday accused President Uhuru Kenyatta of using the military’s high command to retain power by sabotage the elections. 
Defence Cabinet Secretary Raychelle Omamo defended the military against claims of scheming to aid Jubilee to rig the August 8th General Election. Ms. Omamo said no soldiers are involved in plans to interfere with the elections as alleged by the NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga and his running mate Kalonzo Musyoka.

The CS said: “It is completely untrue. I have no idea about a letter alleged to have contained the rigging plans. I have not seen it.”  Omamo told the Kenya Defence Forces to remain strong and focused. “You are respected and valued. Stand up and deliver your mandate without fear or favor.”  She said.
Omamo clarified to Kenyans and the Opposition leaders the allegations were misleading. She said,  “KDF shall not deprive any citizen who wishes to exercise his or her constitutional right to vote.”. Omamo further said claims that KDF intended to isolate Kibera and Mathare slums and disconnect power and water supply were false and ought to be treated as such.  “We urge the residents of Mathare and Kibera to treat the statements with contempt and ignore the allegations.” But she admitted that training of KDF personnel in preparation for any possible emergencies or disasters was going on and this was a routine exercise provided for in the Constitution. “The Constitution under Article 241(3 a), b and mandates KDF to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kenya”.

CS Internal Security  Dr. Fred Matiang’i defended the military saying they had no role in the electoral process. “The work of the security forces is only to facilitate and support IEBC to deliver on its mandate. And everything we do will be in accordance with the rule of law,” he said. He said the security forces will maintain law and order to ensure smooth and peaceful elections, “so dragging KDF into electoral matters is absolutely irrelevant,” said Matiang’i.
