How to dress for a D-Date

Dressing code
It stems from biological instincts i.e. female primates. Just like baboons become red in face when they're fertile. Going out for that first dinner date in red will make him believe in your fertility.

The first thing men notice is your hair, colored and any man believes girls with colored hair which is either brown or gold are more trustworthy and loyal. Well kept hair makes you confident and gives you a sexy appeal.

Many women think that putting on too much make-up makes them look attractive. 2-5 men think their partners put on too much makeup with heavy foundation or too much blusher. This automatically becomes a turn-off button for men. Lipstick draws men attention; pink and red. Red attracts men longer than pink.

Show less skin
At some incidents depending on the venue, season, weather. As a woman, you need to put your outfit into consideration. Wearing short skirt you need to balance it with a higher neckline showing almost 40% of your skin. If you're showing your legs you need to cover up your arms or if you're wearing a strapless dress but make sure it is above your knee.

3-inch heels make a woman feel more comfortable and confident.
