How to deal with arguments in a relationship

 1. Deal With Your Emotions First
Finding a way to dial down your sensitivity chip while you are in a relationship is easier said than done. If you tend to be more of an emotional person, falling hard when in love, finding techniques or ways to erode sensitivity can be tough.However, if you have gotten hurt too many times in the past because you’ve jumped in with both feet, use your current relationship to help you pull back the emotion, while at the same time still having fun and engaging in a bonded situation.Some people love having a very emotional mate, however, consider how your overt emotion is affecting you of being and sense of worth.

2.solve it at home

These may be minor things, like cleanliness, or major issues, like jealousy, infidelity, or commitment.Be aware, though, that arguments are often about something below the surface, such as resentment and disappointment. The things we argue about can be simply an excuse to vent our deeper frustrationsWhile you may feel that your boyfriend is to blame for everything, step back and ask whether you've contributed to your arguments. In some cases, admitting that you did something wrong to your partner may dramatically reduce the intensity of the argument.


Surrender is a state of mind. It is a way of receiving and processing the situations that arise in your relationship. From a place of surrender, it is perfectly possible to say “no” to your partner AND be in a state of complete inner nonresistance at the same time.It is the release of the entire mental-emotional energy field inside you that is fighting for power. It is letting go of your identification with a mental position. This means letting go not only of your partner’s actions and choices but also their perception of you.  Create space in your mind. Practice entering a place of actionless activity and alertness. Meditate. Pray. When faced with a challenge, take a stance of wondering: How will I get through this? How will this resolve? Create the space of possibility to find those answers. From a place of surrender, they will come.Fully embrace what is. Love whatever it is that you cannot control. Embrace it as a gift, a lesson, an opportunity to learn new ways of responding. Have trouble with this? Fake it till you make it! Once you experience true surrender,  you will be able to channel the energy that would have been spent on things beyond your control.

4.Learn to Compromise

Make the necessary sacrifices to meet in the middle which may require you to give up some of your desires or habits in order to incorporate your partner’s needs. When you make the first step toward a sacrifice, your partner will likely be encouraged to do the same on his end. This could mean giving up an hour of TV time to spend more evenings together or limiting the number of times you eat out so that you can save money with your spouse.

5.Own Up to Your Mistakes
Simple — you can’t learn from your mistakes if you can’t acknowledge you’ve made them! And if you don’t learn from your mistakes, you’re destined to repeat them. That’s a recipe for quickly going nowhere in life.

Every relationship is different, but most couples have fights once in a while. Partners that stay together for the long haul usually figure out a way to make up and move on. If you don't want to pretend the fight never happened and just wait for the tension to blow over, then learn how to make up in an open and healthy way.Set boundaries. If your argument has been a nasty one, you may want to make an agreement with your partner about the boundaries and terms of your relationship. For example
"I'd like for us to agree that we talk about what's going on without yelling at each other."
