Bring up a responsible child

 Some parents are reluctant when it comes to assigning duties to their toddlers, they fear to overwork them after doing their homework. However, they should consider the benefits of house chores.

Children who take on household tasks are likely to be successful at school.  These tasks help them develop confidence, self-discipline, and strength of character- essential tools for learning. They also contribute to being responsible in a way that they find it easy to serve others and keep others needs way above their own.

Rewarding your child can motivate them in their daily performance; at school or at home. Chores might be difficult on to complete especially when your child faces a daily mountain of homework should be eliminated for the sake of high grades or previous achievements; that is the replacement of priorities.

It may take longer for your child to complete a task than you would expect; when this happen resist the urge to assist. As a parent, you may notice that the quality of the work could be better. Your objective is not to have the chore performed in an adult like precision but to help the child learn to be responsible and discover the joy that work brings. 

When nothing is expected of a child they always think that they are in their family to be served.This makes them grow up with a distorted view of what life will require of them in the way of responsibility and hard work. Train a child in the way he should go and when he grows up he won't depart from the teachings.
